Gasoil (Diesel Fuel)

Gasoil, also known as diesel fuel, is a type of fuel used primarily in diesel engines. It is a hydrocarbon-based fuel derived from crude oil through a refining process called petroleum refining or oil refining. Gasoil is characterized by its high energy density, which makes it an efficient fuel choice for various applications.
Gasoil typically consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, including alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. The specific composition of gasoil can vary depending on the source of crude oil and the refining processes employed.

Applications of gasoil

Gasoil, also known as diesel fuel, has a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some of the common applications of gasoil:

  • Transportation: Gasoil is extensively used as fuel for various modes of transportation, including automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, and trains. Diesel engines, known for their fuel efficiency and torque, are commonly used in commercial vehicles, long-haul trucks, public transportation, and heavy-duty equipment.
  • Agriculture: Gasoil powers a wide range of agricultural machinery and equipment, such as tractors, combines, harvesters, and irrigation pumps. The high torque and fuel efficiency of diesel engines make them well-suited for heavy-duty agricultural applications.
  • Construction and Mining: Gasoil is widely used in the construction and mining industries to power heavy machinery and equipment, including excavators, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and drilling rigs. Diesel engines offer the necessary power and durability for demanding construction and mining operations.
  • Marine: Many marine vessels, such as ships, boats, and ferries, rely on gasoil as their primary fuel. Diesel engines are preferred in marine applications due to their fuel efficiency, reliability, and long-range capabilities.
  • Generators and Power Generation: Gasoil is commonly used as fuel for standby generators and prime power generators in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Diesel generators provide a reliable and efficient source of electricity during power outages or in remote areas without access to the electrical grid.
  • Industry and Manufacturing: Gasoil is utilized in various industrial processes and manufacturing facilities. It is often used in boilers, furnaces, and industrial heating systems to generate heat or steam for processes such as power generation, heating, and material processing.
  • Off-road Vehicles and Equipment: Gasoil powers a range of off-road vehicles and equipment, including construction equipment, agricultural machinery, mining machinery, and forestry equipment. These vehicles and equipment require the power, torque, and durability offered by diesel engines.

These are just a few examples of the applications of gasoil. Its versatility, fuel efficiency, and high energy density make it a preferred choice in many sectors where reliable and efficient power is essential.

How Is Gasoil Made

Gasoil is made through a refining process known as petroleum refining or oil refining. The refining process involves converting crude oil, a mixture of hydrocarbons extracted from the ground, into various petroleum products, including gasoil. Here is a general overview of how gasoil is made:

  1. Distillation: The crude oil is first heated in a distillation column, where it is separated into different fractions based on their boiling points. Gasoil is obtained in the middle distillate range, between lighter fractions such as gasoline and heavier fractions such as fuel oil.
  2. Atmospheric Distillation: In the distillation column, the crude oil is heated to a temperature where the lighter fractions vaporize. The vapor rises through the column and is condensed into liquid form as it reaches cooler sections. The condensed liquid in the middle distillate range is gasoil.
  3. Fractional Distillation: The gasoil obtained from atmospheric distillation may still contain impurities and undesired components. To further refine it, fractional distillation is carried out. This process involves subjecting the gasoil to additional heating and distillation steps to separate it into more specific grades and remove impurities.
  4. Hydrotreating: To meet regulatory and quality standards, gasoil often undergoes a hydrotreating process. In hydrotreating, the gasoil is treated with hydrogen under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst. This process removes impurities, such as sulfur compounds, and helps improve the fuel's quality and environmental performance.
  5. Blending: After hydrotreating, gasoil may be blended with other additives or components to enhance its properties, such as improving lubricity, stability, or cold-weather performance. Additives like cetane improvers can also be added to enhance combustion efficiency.
  6. Storage and Distribution: Once the gasoil is refined and blended, it is stored in tanks and then distributed through pipelines, tank trucks, or other transportation methods to be delivered to end-users, such as fuel stations, industries, and transportation sectors.

The specific refining process can vary between refineries and may depend on the desired product quality, regional specifications, and the type of crude oil being processed. Additionally, refineries can employ various additional processes, such as catalytic cracking or hydrocracking, to further convert heavy oil fractions into gasoil or other lighter products.

Different Types of Gasoil

There are different types of gasoil, which can vary in their composition and intended applications. Here are a few examples of different types of gasoil:

  • Standard Gasoil: This is the regular diesel fuel used in various applications, including transportation, agriculture, construction, and power generation. It typically meets the specifications outlined in the applicable regional or national standards, such as EN590 in Europe or ASTM D975 in the United States.
  • Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD): ULSD is a type of gasoil that has undergone a refining process to significantly reduce sulfur content. In many regions, including Europe and North America, regulations require the use of ULSD to reduce emissions and comply with environmental standards. ULSD typically has a maximum sulfur content of 15 parts per million (ppm) or lower.
  • Winter Gasoil: In colder climates, winter gasoil is formulated to prevent fuel gelling or waxing at low temperatures. It contains additives that lower the pour point and improve cold flow properties, ensuring the fuel remains usable in freezing conditions.
  • Arctic Gasoil: Arctic gasoil is designed specifically for extremely cold conditions, such as those encountered in Arctic regions. It has even lower pour point and enhanced cold flow properties to ensure the fuel remains fluid and prevents fuel system issues in extremely low temperatures.
  • Bio-Diesel: Bio-diesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking oils. It can be blended with conventional gasoil to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. Bio-diesel blends are often labeled with a percentage, such as B5 (5% bio-diesel) or B20 (20% bio-diesel).

These are just a few examples of different types of gasoil that may be available in specific regions or for specific applications. The availability and specifications of gasoil types can vary depending on local regulations, market demand, and environmental considerations.

Differences Between Gasoil and Gasoline

Gasoil, also known as diesel fuel, and gasoline are two distinct types of fuels commonly used in internal combustion engines. Here are the key differences between gasoil and gasoline:

  1. Composition: Gasoil is a heavier fuel compared to gasoline. It is derived from crude oil through a refining process that removes impurities and separates it into various fractions. Gasoline, on the other hand, is a lighter fuel obtained through a refining process that focuses on producing lighter hydrocarbons.
  2. Ignition: Gasoil requires higher compression and temperatures for ignition compared to gasoline. Diesel engines compress the air-fuel mixture to a high pressure, causing self-ignition of the fuel. Gasoline engines rely on spark plugs to ignite the air-fuel mixture.
  3. Fuel Efficiency: Diesel engines are typically more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. Diesel fuel contains more energy per liter than gasoline, which translates into greater mileage per gallon or liter of fuel.
  4. Combustion: Gasoline burns faster and at lower temperatures compared to diesel fuel. Gasoline combustion occurs in a rapid, controlled manner. Diesel combustion is characterized by slower, more controlled ignition, resulting in a longer burn time.
  5. Applications: Gasoline is primarily used as a fuel for spark-ignition engines, commonly found in passenger cars, motorcycles, and small power equipment. Gasoil is predominantly used as fuel for compression-ignition engines, such as those in heavy-duty trucks, buses, boats, agricultural machinery, and generators.
  6. Viscosity: Gasoil has a higher viscosity (thickness) compared to gasoline. This viscosity difference influences the design and operation of the fuel delivery and injection systems in diesel engines.
  7. Volatility: Gasoline is more volatile than gasoil. It evaporates quickly at normal temperatures, making it easier to ignite. Gasoil has a lower volatility, which contributes to its safer handling and storage characteristics.

It's important to note that these are general differences between gasoil (diesel fuel) and gasoline. Specific properties and compositions may vary depending on regional fuel standards, regulations, and fuel blends.

What is EN590 10ppm Gasoil

EN590 Gasoil refers to diesel fuel that meets the specifications outlined in the European standard EN590. Gasoil is another term commonly used to describe diesel fuel, particularly in European countries.

EN590 Gasoil is the result of complying with the requirements set by the EN590 standard, which specifies the properties and quality parameters for diesel fuel used in automotive applications. These parameters include sulfur content, density, flash point, cetane number, lubricity, and other characteristics that ensure the fuel's performance and environmental impact.

The EN590 standard sets limits on sulfur content, with the latest version (Euro 6) mandating a maximum sulfur content of 10 parts per million (also know as 10ppm gasoil) . This low sulfur content helps reduce emissions and promotes the efficient functioning of emission control systems in diesel vehicles.

EN590 Gasoil is widely used in Europe and is the prevalent type of diesel fuel available at fuel stations across the continent. It ensures compatibility with modern diesel engines and contributes to meeting emissions regulations and environmental objectives.

What Affects Gasoil Price

The price of gasoil, like any other commodity, is influenced by various factors. Here are some key factors that can affect gasoil prices:

  • Crude Oil Prices: Gasoil is derived from crude oil through the refining process. Therefore, changes in crude oil prices have a significant impact on gasoil prices. If the price of crude oil increases, it generally leads to higher gasoil prices, and vice versa.
  • Supply and Demand Dynamics: The balance between supply and demand for gasoil affects its price. If the demand for gasoil exceeds the available supply, prices tend to rise. Conversely, if there is an oversupply of gasoil in the market, prices may decline.
  • Refining and Production Capacity: The availability of refining and production capacity can affect gasoil prices. If there are disruptions or limitations in refining capacity, it can lead to a decrease in gasoil supply and potentially drive prices up.
  • Seasonal Demand: Seasonal fluctuations in demand can influence gasoil prices. For example, during the winter season, there may be increased demand for heating oil, which is a type of gasoil. This higher demand can put upward pressure on prices.
  • Taxes and Regulations: Government taxes, duties, and regulations can significantly impact gasoil prices. Taxes and duties imposed on gasoil can vary between countries, adding to the final retail price. Additionally, environmental regulations and compliance requirements may affect the production and distribution costs of gasoil, potentially influencing its price.
  • Exchange Rates: Gasoil prices are often quoted in international markets in terms of specific currencies, such as the US dollar. Fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the purchasing power of buyers and sellers, affecting the price of gasoil.
  • Geopolitical Factors: Political instability, conflicts, and disruptions in major oil-producing regions can disrupt the supply of crude oil, leading to price fluctuations in gasoil and other petroleum products.
  • Delivery terms: The delivery terms agreed upon between the buyer and seller can also affect the price of gasoil. Factors such as the delivery location, transportation mode, and delivery timeline can impact the cost of transporting urea, which can be reflected in the final price paid by the buyer. For example, if a buyer requests a faster delivery timeline, this can increase the cost of transportation and potentially increase the price of gasoil.

These factors can interact and influence each other, making gasoil prices complex and subject to volatility. Additionally, regional and local factors specific to each market can also impact gasoil prices.

How Russian invasion of Ukraine Affects Supply and Production of Gasoil

Russian invasion of Ukraine, has led to significant implications for the supply and production of gasoil, including 10ppm gasoil. In response to Russia's actions, the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) have imposed sanctions on Russia, which have had an impact on the petroleum products sector. Here are some key ways in which the war has affected gasoil supply and production, specifically for 10ppm gasoil:

  • Trade Restrictions and Sanctions: The EU and the US have imposed sanctions on Russia, which have included restrictions on the import and export of petroleum products. These sanctions have targeted specific sectors, entities, or individuals involved in the Russian petroleum industry. As a result, trade flows and access to markets for Russian gasoil, including 10ppm gasoil, have been affected, leading to disruptions in supply chains and potential shortages.
  • Disrupted Supply Routes: The conflict and the resulting sanctions have led to disruptions in established supply routes for gasoil, including those involving Russian exports. Transport infrastructure, such as pipelines and logistical networks, may be affected or restricted due to security concerns and political tensions. These disruptions can impact the flow of gasoil, including 10ppm gasoil, to markets that rely on Russian supply.
  • Shifts in Market Dynamics: The sanctions and trade restrictions have prompted changes in market dynamics for gasoil. Countries and regions that previously relied heavily on Russian gasoil imports, including 10ppm gasoil, have sought alternative sources to meet their energy needs. This has led to shifts in trade patterns, as other producers and suppliers have stepped in to fill the gap left by reduced Russian exports.
  • Price Volatility: The combination of supply disruptions, restricted trade, and changes in market dynamics can lead to increased price volatility for gasoil, including 10ppm gasoil. Uncertainties surrounding supply availability, changing trade patterns, and geopolitical tensions can contribute to fluctuations in gasoil prices, affecting both domestic and international markets.

The situation and impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the related sanctions, continue to evolve. The specific implications for gasoil supply and production, especially for 10ppm gasoil, can vary over time and depend on geopolitical developments, sanctions policies, and market dynamics.

How To Purchase Gasoil in Bulk?

Here are some common sources where one can buy bulk gasoil (diesel fuel):

  • Fuel Suppliers and Distributors: Contact local fuel suppliers and distributors who specialize in providing bulk fuel to businesses, industries, and other organizations. These suppliers often have the infrastructure and resources to deliver large quantities of gasoil directly to your location.
  • Oil Companies: Major oil companies often have divisions or departments that handle bulk fuel sales. They may offer fuel supply contracts or direct sales of gasoil in bulk quantities. Contact the respective divisions of oil companies to inquire about bulk gasoil purchasing options.
  • Fuel Wholesalers: Fuel wholesalers purchase large quantities of gasoil directly from refineries or suppliers and distribute it to various buyers, including businesses and organizations that require bulk fuel. Research and contact fuel wholesalers in your area to explore purchasing options.
  • Fuel Marketplaces: Online fuel marketplaces or platforms provide a digital marketplace where buyers and sellers of fuel can connect. These platforms may offer the option to purchase bulk gasoil directly from suppliers. Utilize these marketplaces to search for reputable suppliers and obtain competitive quotes for bulk gasoil.
  • Cooperative Fuel Purchasing: Some industries or organizations may form cooperative buying groups to pool their fuel purchasing needs and negotiate better pricing and terms with suppliers. Check if there are any existing cooperative fuel purchasing groups in your industry or region that you can join to access bulk gasoil at favorable rates.
  • Trade Associations and Networking: Industry-specific trade associations or networking groups may provide valuable resources and connections to help you find bulk gasoil suppliers. Participate in industry events, conferences, or forums where you can network with fellow professionals and learn about reputable suppliers in the field.

When seeking to buy bulk gasoil, it is essential to conduct thorough research, compare terms, and establish relationships with reliable suppliers who can meet your specific needs. Factors such as proximity to your location, delivery capabilities, pricing, and quality of service should be taken into consideration when selecting a supplier for bulk gasoil.

What are the biggest gasoil producers in the world

The production of gasoil (diesel fuel) is closely tied to the refining of crude oil. Many countries have significant refining capacities and produce substantial amounts of gasoil. Here are some of the largest gasoil producers in the world:

  1. United States: The United States is one of the largest producers of gasoil globally. It has a substantial refining industry and produces significant volumes of gasoil to meet domestic demand for transportation, industrial, and commercial applications.
  2. China: China has a rapidly growing refining sector and is a major gasoil producer. The country's increasing energy consumption, industrial growth, and transportation needs contribute to its significant gasoil production capacity.
  3. Russia: Russia is known for its vast crude oil reserves and has a well-established refining industry. It produces substantial amounts of gasoil to meet domestic and export demands.
  4. India: India has a large refining capacity and is a significant producer of gasoil. The country's growing economy and expanding transportation sector drive the demand for gasoil, leading to substantial production.
  5. Saudi Arabia: As one of the world's leading crude oil producers, Saudi Arabia also has a significant refining sector. It produces substantial amounts of gasoil to meet domestic and international demand.
  6. South Korea: South Korea has a strong refining industry and is among the largest gasoil producers globally. The country's advanced refining technology and export-oriented approach contribute to its significant gasoil production capacity.
  7. Japan: Japan has a large refining sector and produces significant volumes of gasoil. The country's demand for gasoil is driven by its transportation sector and industrial activities.

Other notable gasoil-producing countries include Germany, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom.

What Countries Produce EN590 10ppm Gasoil

EN590 10ppm gasoil, which refers to diesel fuel with a maximum sulfur content of 10 parts per million (ppm) that meets the EN590 European standard, is produced by various countries. Here are some of the countries known for producing EN590 10ppm gasoil:

  1. European Union (EU) Countries: EN590 is a European standard, and therefore, all EU member countries produce EN590-compliant gasoil, including 10ppm sulfur content. This includes countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and others.
  2. Russia: Russia is a major producer and exporter of gasoil, including EN590 10ppm gasoil. It has a significant refining capacity and supplies gasoil to both domestic and international markets.
  3. Middle Eastern Countries: Some Middle Eastern countries, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, produce EN590-compliant gasoil, including 10ppm sulfur content, to meet domestic and export demands.
  4. Asian Countries: Asian countries like South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and China produce EN590 10ppm gasoil to cater to their domestic markets and for export purposes.
  5. United States: While the United States has traditionally used a different diesel specification (ULSD) with a maximum sulfur content of 15ppm, some refineries in the U.S. have the capability to produce diesel fuel that meets EN590 standards, including 10ppm sulfur content, for specific markets or export purposes.

It's worth noting that gasoil production and specific product specifications can vary over time due to changes in refining capabilities, market demands, and regulatory requirements. Therefore, it's always important to verify the availability of EN590 10ppm gasoil from specific countries or suppliers at the time of purchase.

How Is Gasoil Stored?

Gasoil (diesel fuel) is typically stored in specialized storage tanks designed to ensure its safety, maintain its quality, and prevent any environmental or safety hazards. Here are some key aspects of gasoil storage:

  • Storage Tanks: Gasoil is stored in large, above-ground or underground storage tanks made of materials that are compatible with petroleum products, such as steel or fiberglass. These tanks are specifically designed to prevent leakage, corrosion, and other potential risks associated with storing petroleum products.
  • Tank Design and Construction: Gasoil storage tanks are designed to meet local regulations and industry standards. They are built with appropriate insulation, ventilation, and safety features. Tanks may have internal linings or coatings to protect against corrosion and maintain the quality of the stored fuel.
  • Tank Capacity and Configuration: Gasoil storage tanks come in various sizes and configurations, depending on the intended storage capacity and site requirements. Some tanks can hold thousands or even millions of gallons of gasoil. They may be cylindrical or rectangular in shape, and their capacity can be customized based on the storage needs of the facility.
  • Secondary Containment: To prevent any spills or leaks from reaching the environment, gasoil storage tanks often incorporate secondary containment systems. These can include a secondary outer wall or bund around the tank to contain any potential releases. Secondary containment helps mitigate environmental risks and protects against groundwater contamination.
  • Safety Measures: Gasoil storage facilities implement safety measures, such as fire detection and suppression systems, emergency shutdown systems, and lightning protection, to ensure safe storage and minimize the risk of accidents or incidents.
  • Monitoring and Inspection: Regular monitoring and inspection of storage tanks are critical to ensure their integrity, detect any potential issues, and maintain compliance with safety and environmental regulations. This includes checking for leaks, monitoring fuel levels, and conducting periodic inspections for structural integrity.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Gasoil storage facilities must comply with local, regional, and national regulations pertaining to storage, handling, and environmental protection. These regulations may include requirements for tank design, leak detection systems, spill prevention measures, and emergency response plans.

It's important for gasoil storage facilities to follow best practices, adhere to safety protocols, and conduct routine maintenance and inspections to ensure the safe storage of gasoil and minimize potential risks to the environment and personnel.

Environmental Risks and Benefits Associated with Gasoil Use

The use of gasoil (diesel fuel) has both environmental risks and benefits. Here are some of the key considerations:

Environmental Risks

  1. Air Pollution: Diesel engines emit pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), which can contribute to air pollution. These pollutants can have adverse effects on air quality, human health, and ecosystems. However, modern diesel engines and advancements in emission control technologies have significantly reduced these emissions compared to older diesel engines.
  2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Diesel combustion produces carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. The combustion process in diesel engines emits more CO2 per unit of energy compared to gasoline engines. However, the overall carbon footprint can vary depending on factors such as engine efficiency, fuel consumption, and the lifecycle of the fuel production.
  3. Sulfur Emissions: High-sulfur diesel fuels can contribute to sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions when burned, leading to air pollution and the formation of acid rain. However, the widespread adoption of low-sulfur diesel fuels, such as those meeting EN590 standards with reduced sulfur content, has significantly reduced sulfur emissions.

Environmental Benefits

  1. Fuel Efficiency: Diesel engines are generally more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. They can deliver higher mileage per liter of fuel consumed, resulting in reduced overall fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions per distance traveled.
  2. Carbon Intensity: Diesel fuel has a higher energy density compared to gasoline, meaning it contains more energy per unit volume. This can result in lower carbon emissions when considering the energy content of the fuel per distance traveled.
  3. Renewable Fuel Options: Diesel engines can be powered by renewable fuels such as biodiesel, which is derived from renewable sources like vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels when used as a blend with conventional gasoil.
  4. Engine Efficiency and Performance: Diesel engines are known for their torque, durability, and efficiency. They can offer improved fuel economy, longer engine life, and better towing capabilities compared to some gasoline engines.

To mitigate the environmental risks associated with gasoil, regulations and emission standards have been implemented worldwide, focusing on reducing emissions of pollutants like NOx, PM, and sulfur. Additionally, advancements in engine technologies, such as the use of particulate filters and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, have helped to reduce emissions from diesel engines.

The environmental impact of gasoil can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the fuel, engine technology, vehicle maintenance, driving conditions, and regulatory compliance. Efforts continue to be made to develop cleaner, more efficient diesel engines and to promote the use of alternative fuels to further reduce the environmental impact of gasoil.

Alternatives to Gasoil: a Path Beyond Traditional Diesel Fuel

There are several alternatives to gasoil (diesel fuel) that can be used for various applications. Some common alternatives include:

  • Biodiesel: Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking oils. It can be blended with conventional gasoil or used as a pure biodiesel (B100). Biodiesel has similar properties to gasoil and can be used in diesel engines without requiring any modifications. It offers reduced greenhouse gas emissions and can help decrease dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Renewable Diesel: Renewable diesel, also known as green diesel or hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), is produced through a hydrotreating process using various feedstocks such as vegetable oils, animal fats, or waste oils. It has similar properties to petroleum diesel and can be used as a drop-in replacement for gasoil without requiring modifications to diesel engines.
  • Synthetic Diesel: Synthetic diesel, also known as gas-to-liquid (GTL) diesel or coal-to-liquid (CTL) diesel, is produced from natural gas or coal through a gasification and Fischer-Tropsch process. It has high energy density and low emissions, making it a cleaner alternative to conventional diesel fuel.
  • Natural Gas: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) are alternative fuels that can be used in dedicated natural gas vehicles (NGVs) or converted diesel engines. Natural gas has lower carbon emissions compared to gasoil and can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transportation.
  • Electric Power: Electric vehicles (EVs) powered by electricity stored in batteries or fuel cells offer an alternative to gasoil for transportation. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) use electricity stored in batteries, while fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) generate electricity from hydrogen. Electrification of transportation helps reduce carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Hybrid Technologies: Hybrid vehicles combine an internal combustion engine (often running on gasoil) with an electric motor. The electric motor assists the engine, reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Hybrid technologies are an intermediate step towards full electrification and offer improved fuel efficiency.
  • Hydrogen: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) use hydrogen to produce electricity, emitting only water vapor as a byproduct. Hydrogen can be produced through various methods, including electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources. Hydrogen fuel cells offer zero-emission transportation and can serve as an alternative to gasoil in specific applications.

The availability and suitability of these alternatives may vary depending on factors such as infrastructure, vehicle compatibility, energy efficiency, and local regulations. The adoption of alternative fuels is influenced by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and policy support to promote sustainable transportation options.

FASTT is a major urea supplier and has been delivering gasoil for various applications for years. We have access to a worldwide network of petrochemical companies, gasoil producers and wholesalers and can supply high quality gasoil in any volume by the most competitive FOB or CIF prices in any safe world port (ASWP).